Despite the many advancements we have seen over the years, we continue to see an exorbitant amount of money being spent on treating wounds around the world with an expected significant rise in those costs. Globally, the annual cost for wound care was over 19 billion dollars in 2018. 

Besides a lack of misallocation or lack of funds for wound care, the real problem lies with education. Given the aftermath of the pandemic and the impact it had on the healthcare industry, unfortunately, many clinicians who have a passion for wound care are finding it difficult to set aside the funds to allocate for education and certification. In addition, developing countries do not have the wherewithal to offer the instruction needed to provide clinicians with the tools and knowledge needed to help decrease the rise in costs and mortalities associated with improper wound care. In spite of all of our efforts nationally we are still not making the impact that we could if more of our bedside clinicians receive the specialty training and certification. 

This is where the International Alliance of Wound Care Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (IAWCSF) comes into play. Our goal is to provide those who would otherwise not have the opportunity to receive this much needed education and certification by providing them with scholarships to do so. In addition, several education providers will furnish this instruction at a cost dramatically less than what they would otherwise charge. The average cost of this education in the industry is anywhere between $797 to over $6,000 per student, not including the certification exam.

With limited resources and limited funding for education and certification globally, our mission is to provide a means for education and certification to clinicians who otherwise could not afford it. In partnership with the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy, (NAWCO) our intent is to provide the funding to passionate clinicians to obtain education and certification in wound care.

Our passion is wound care and our mission is to help decrease the ever-growing costs and loss of limbs and life throughout the world. We can’t accomplish this without the help from benefactors such as you. Your financial commitment would make a huge impact in helping those clinicians and their patients in receiving something they would otherwise not be privileged to. 


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